среда, 8 января 2020 г.


The EMR Not digiChart was immature and template-driven, and it had issues revery day that required contacting the vendor for support. In just fifteen minutes, the experts at Software Advice can help you narrow down the right software for your organization. Cons Upgrades are tough. Cons Doesn't keep up with current operating systems. We have never looked back. digichart

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It is cheap and easy to learn, but frequently very annoying to use. For free software advice, digicbart us now! Needs Improvement Updates dont seem to change anything for the better.

digiChart OB/GYN Software

Anthony from Valdosta Womens Health Center. Ratings Snapshot 5 stars. A server-based EMR was purchased and installed, and chaos resulted.

User meetings attended were very helpful. The antepartum record is instantly recognized nationwide, and several physicians have called our office to ask which EMR we use to produce the ACOG formatted antepartum record.

Plus, the OB Flowsheet is a single-screen workspace that follows patients throughout their pregnancies. Bad user cigichart on patient portal.

One digcihart involved slowness of operation that was challenging, but it's now corrected. ACOG flowsheet built in, patient information flows easily from one visit to the next, drag and drop MDM is helpful, good task bar. Also, the patient portal is very poor and needs work.

digiChart Patient Portal

Often we enter digichqrt in one section and its all erased when you move on to the next section. Frequent crashes; frequently slow to respond, especially mid-afternoon; frequent compatibility issues with updates. But, it appears as though digiChart is following the MU lead, which is a challenge in and of itself.

Less input required to finish chart so can work through patients faster.

digiChart OB/GYN Software | Reviews, Free Demo & Pricing

Likelihood to Recommend Not likely Very likely. Don't ever believe anyone who speaks in glowing terms about digiChart. Up to date for ICD It took 24 clicks of the mouse for the physicians to sign off on a normal pap smear.

Recently recommended times.


Quirky software Don't ever believe anyone who speaks in glowing terms about digiChart. Support is timely and good. Updates dont seem to change anything for the better.

Updates were offered at more cost. The EMR Not digiChart was immature and template-driven, and it had issues revery day that required contacting the vendor for support.


Digichart review too expensive. In just fifteen minutes, the experts at Software Advice can help you narrow down the right software for your organization. We are two generations behind Windows 10 using Windows 7 Pro so for providers who like to use tablets, it is difficult to view the patient information. Supported Operating System s: The so-called technical support involved submitting a trouble ticket email that took up to 14 days allowed to correct.

We have never divichart back.

DigiChart Patient Portal

Time stamps are not in local time, makes documentation problematic. Robin from South Sound Women's Center. Less input means less information available when you recall chart. Cons Doesn't keep up with current operating systems.

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